Balanced Calendar

Metro schools are thinking about a balanced calendar.  I’m all for the idea.  Although, I do not have kids, and if I did, they wouldn’t attend a Nashville school.  Not because I wouldn’t want them to go.  I live in Rutherford County.  🙂  So what does my opinion matter?

I’m going to give it anyway.  A balanced Calendar, or a year round calendar has many more advantages I believe than disadvantages.

More vacation options, some possibly cheaper because of off-season prices, kids tend to remember more in shorter periods and frequent breaks.

Disadvantages could possibly deal with sports, extra-curricular activities and maybe remediation for those a little behind.

I guess we’ll find out what metro will do on December 12.  I think that is when the board is going to vote on the issue.

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3 Comments on “Balanced Calendar”

  1. sonia Says:

    I wish Rutherford would go year round. But i’ve heard too many people complain that it would interfere with their vacation. Nice priorities.

  2. Elizabeth Says:

    I would prefer to see a year round schedule. I remember having to spend the first several weeks of school having to relearn everything lost over summer vacation.

  3. Rebekah Says:

    very interesting blog! 🙂

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