
Posted July 16, 2019 by Chip
Categories: General

feeling defeated today. Good vibes are appreciated


Posted January 15, 2016 by Chip
Categories: General, Humanity

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Last night, I had the opportunity to partake in a county commissioners monthly meeting.  It was very interesting.  Agenda 1-14-16

In this agenda, was a resolution to be sent to the state legislation. It was the last item on the agenda “Resolution Concerning States Rights”

The room was filled with RED. People wearing red were opponents of this resolution.

My thoughts, was this was a completely waste of time and money.  It makes me think of the Jim Crowe Laws back in the day.  People don’t like change. Change makes people crazy. Change is a good thing.

What I did realize in this meeting, was that there is a bunch of old school elected officials in office making decisions based on things they really don’t know anything about. District 1 Commisioner Doug Shafer talked about the American Care Act, or ACA.  He spoke how it was costing the county $66/person to insure. That the county was having to foot the bill(tax payer) that while this was a federal mandate, the government was in no way giving funds or explanation of how to take care of this.

In the end, the resolution in my eyes, kind of nullified itself.  Asking our legislation to defend our state constitution and the US Constitution.  So in short, our county is sending a resolution to the state to tell them do their job.

I believe it is time for a change!  Old school politics need to go.  We need fresh blood, innovative ideas, people who believe in a forward thinking county.

Here is the link the meeting to their youtube channel



Posted October 21, 2015 by Chip
Categories: General

Tags: , ,

You know there are a ton of subjects that went through my head this week. One was our tax system, another was my weight and exercise work, and television series.

So I think I’ll write about all of the above. 🙂

Let’s start with our tax system.  I’ll keep it breif I promise.  you see, I want to talk about one little peice of it.  The Eearned Income Credit.  Its my understanding that the more kids you have the higher the credit.  So is this the only way it helps? It helps the single parent right? I know I’m a little dumb with a ton of this stuff.  But you know what, I’m a single male! I have a small business.  I pay my taxes.  You know what else? At the end of the year, I still have to pay about $2500.

Now tell me, why is it that because I don’t have kids I still have to pay more than the single mom of 3 that does the same thing I do, makes the same thing I do, and still gets a refund check of about $3000.00? I think that sucks!  That’s just my opinion and how I understand the little bits.

Quote of the Day

Posted October 21, 2015 by Chip
Categories: About Me, General, Humanity, Quotes

“Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams”-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Closet Remodel

Posted January 2, 2015 by Chip
Categories: About Me, General

So back a year ago.  January 18th to be precise, I started to remodel one of my walk-in closets.    I decided to turn it into a small office.  For a year the closet was left unorganized. Here are the before and after photos.  Today, January 2nd, 2015, I finally finished it


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A Sad Day

Posted May 21, 2010 by Chip
Categories: General

A sad day for bowlers, Cumberland Lanes in Antioch has told us they are closing its doors. 

Bowlers in the area that bowl with us on Sunday, Music City Rollers, and Tuesaday, Rainbowlers are urged to keep intouch and look for announcements as to where we will bowl this fall/winter.

We All Got Em

Posted February 20, 2009 by Chip
Categories: General

Going through life we meet people, share experiences, and learn to love one another.  Is it wrong to want to share your life with people you care about?

Ok, so here is where I’m going.  We all have friends, acquaintances, family and co-workers right? Don’t we also have those we just tolerate to be around?  Is it wrong to not want to hang with these people?

I myself know that these peoplel tend to just bring me down, so I choose not to spend a whole lot of time trying to understand their drama, or the issues they face.

I like to surround myself with energy, good energy.  It seems to just lift me up when nothing else will.

A blog I just started reading has a group he calles “The Core.” 

I like that, We probably all have this group.  A “core” group we call our friends.

I shouldn’t feel bad for not wanting to socialize with some. I guess it’s the Libra in me.  I always want balance, peace and harmony.  Oh and world peace.

Have You Looked Lately

Posted February 12, 2009 by Chip
Categories: General

Outside that is?  If not, you need to go now! I wish I had shorts on!  Of course, some would say this is pneumonia weather. 

Right now, I wouldn’t care! Life would be wonderful if the weather was sunny and 70 degrees most of the time.

I’ve Moved

Posted February 2, 2009 by Chip
Categories: General

For those of you that have me syndicated(RSS) here, please note that I’ve moved back to my main domain page.

ChipTalks is now at:  and I’ve also purchased the name which also forwards to my blog.

Thanks to the few visiors I have. have a great day!

And He’s Off

Posted December 30, 2008 by Chip
Categories: General

To the gym that is.

Yes, it’s that time of year.  You know the time people start making those resolutions.  You know, the ones that they swear off sweets for a while so they lose a few lbs.  Or maybe said were going to the gym and sticking to a diet and fall off about two weeks into it.

I have made my resolution. One! Only one. I need to lose this gut! So I went to the gym today.  You’d be proud of me.  I jogged two miles in 34 minutes.

So here’s to the new me. I hope to not fall in a few weeks. I hope to at least update my progress each week.

Today’s Weigh in

  • 178.6 lbs  You’d never thought that right…..

Today’s food

  • Sausage egg and cheese biscuit
  • Hashbrown
  • Sweet tea
  • 3 soft taco supremes from Taco Bell
  • stuffed peppers
  • rice
  • sweet peas
  • 24 oz of water.

I know, not quite the best diet. Hell at least I’m honest.